You Have Been Facebook Tagged! Are You In Control Of Your Timeline?

Just this morning, a friend of mine wrote this on her Facebook wall.

“I have been Facebook Tagged in a message that is clearly spam. Please mark the message as such. I have tried to untag myself but have not been able to do that. I would never, ever, place messages like these.”

What had happened? The account of her friends had been hacked. The spammy message had been posted on his behalf, and some of his friends had been tagged in it.

People who know me will hopefully know I am not a “Told You So” type of girl. I do want to be the go-to girl for tech stuff, though, so let’s see what we all can learn from this.

  1. What are some of the best practices to keep your accounts safe
  2. How can you edit your Facebook settings to that you will need to approve tags before they are placed on your timeline
  3. How can you delete a post from your timeline
  4. If you have been tagged, how can you remove that tag.

In this post I am going to focus on #2, 3 & 4. I will write about account safekeeping later this week .

How can you edit your Facebook settings so that you will need to approve tags before they are placed on your timeline?

Decide What Tagged Posts Appear On Your Timeline 1

  1. On your Facebook page, click on the dropdown menu arrow in the top right corner of your screen (Arrow 1)
  2. In the dropdown menu, select Settings (Arrow 2)

Decide What Tagged Posts Appear On Your Timeline 2

  1. In the settings screen, select “Timeline & Tagging (Arrow 1)
  2. Set “Review Posts Friends Tag You In…” (Arrow 2) to “On”

 How can you remove your tag?

How To Remove Your Tag From A Post On Your Timeline

  1. Find the post on your timeline. Click on the dropdown menu marked by the arrow in the top right corner of the post. (Arrow 1)
  2. Select “Remove Tag” (Arrow 2)

How can you hide the post from your timeline?

How To Hide A Post From Your Timeline

  1. Find the post on your timeline. Note the dropdown arrow on the top right corner of the post. Click on it (Arrow 1)
  2. Select “Hide From Timeline” (Arrow 2)

Before You Go

Before you go, please let me know…. Was this post helpful? Have you ever been tagged in a way you did not appreciate? What did you do?  Do you have any other questions that I could answer for you in a short blog post or video?

Photo credit: Ryan at

5 thoughts on “You Have Been Facebook Tagged! Are You In Control Of Your Timeline?”

  1. Great post! So easy to follow. I just made the changes! Luckily, I haven’t been tagged “inappropriately” and now I don’t need to worry! Thanks!

  2. What a great post! I have seen several of my friends having the same issues on FB, luckily it has not yet happened to me, but if it does, now I know what to do 🙂 I would not have, before. I would have thought changing my password would be enough

  3. This is so well written! Thank you for writing about this. I have seen several of my friends having similar issues on facebook, and luckily I haven’t had it happen to me. But now if I do, I know how to fix it 🙂

  4. Hey ! I read your article. It was too helpful. This is an amazing post. I hope you keep us updated with these kind of posts.

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